Explore Local

Your own backyard might be a great place to hike. The town you live in and surrounding area could have a treasure trove of trails. Besides joining a local hiking group (facebook, meetup, etc) and have people to enjoy trails with, you can search your state, county, community websites for possible information.
Local guide books might have the most accurate information, but here are a few more resources to help find trails near you:

When exploring new trails here are a few things to bring:
• Water
• Snacks
• Phone (photos, videos and emergencies)
• Map (digital or printed)
• Layers of clothing
First aid kit, compass and some other basics wouldn't be a bad idea either. Always be prepared for the unexpected. Let others know the area you'll be hiking around. Check weather before heading out.
Go alone if you can't get others to join you. It's always fun to have people to hike with, but if there isn't anyone available, still go. Get comfortable in the solitude. Don't put off doing the things you want to do. It might not always be ideal, but that's OK.
Now get out and hike!