1 min read

You Can Thru-Hike

No matter your age or ability, you can hike

I met many people that said they wished they could hike a particular long trail.

The great news is you can!

If you think you're not able bodied enough. You are, just take it slow. Can't get enough time off work? Find a new job after. Family? Bring 'em with!

Whatever hangups you have, they can be figured out. That is if you want to hike bad enough.

A thru-hike is an adventure of a lifetime. Well worth whatever challenges you need to overcome to be able to go.

On the Pacific Crest Trail, I met a woman who had been hiking it for 17 years. She could only get a few days free at a time and made it work. We had just crossed into Oregon. That is dedication.

You don't have to hike in one go. 6 months is a big commitment, but the benefit is your body and mind have enough time to adjust for optimal performance.

Doing it in week long sprints is ok, but you'll never get your trail legs. Takes a good 2 months to settle in and crush it. A month or two is even better. Whatever works.

The experience is amazing and don't let silly things like jobs and family get in the way of your dreams (half-joking, relax).

Start planning a thru-hike now for next year, or the year after. Get the ball rolling and you'll be amazed at what you figure out.

~ Lunchbox PCT '12, AT '15, CDT '17