1 min read


hiker preparing gear with checklist

A checklist for hiking? Come on, I don't need that! Seriously, it's not a bad idea.

Case in point, I should have used one when doing a shakedown hiking trip before one of my thru-hikes at Point Reyes National Seashore. A shakedown is to test your setup. Gear, clothing, etc. Simulate what you'll be wearing and carrying on a thru-hike. After, you can assess what worked, what didn't and what you might need to switch out or add.

I was there for two or three nights. Having hiked to the first camp spot, I set up everything and set out to make some dinner. My spork was nowhere to be found! Did I lose it? Forget it back home? Whatever the case may be, I was without an eating utensil.

See, if I had used a checklist, this wouldn't be a problem. Thankfully I had my multi-tool and surrounded by woods, I grabbed a stick and shaved the bark off, using it to shovel the food into my mouth. Not ideal, but worked.

It's not the end of the world forgetting my spork, but it should have been in my bag.

Here are a few checklists that might be nice to save on your phone or print out. A small, simple thing to have to ensure nothing is forgotten.

Day Hikes

Day hiking checklist
